
Clicks & Tricks


Clicker training is a proven technique that helps you and your dog communicate and has been shown to be a very successful technique in training any critter, even chickens! Yes, even chickens.


How does clicker training benefit me and my dog?

If you've been to any of our classes, you will know that our activities are set up to "mark" a successful behavior by saying "yes" or "good dog", and then rewarding with (usually) a treat. This is one of the main concepts of clicker training.

Using a verbal marker can help you communicate with your dog and let them know they did something correctly. The challenge is that often our marker words are used in other ways. Think about how many times you say “yes” or “good dog” but are not really trying to reinforce something your dog did.

A clicker is a very distinct sound and allows for precise timing and timing is everything! Clicker training has been shown to increase how quickly dogs learn new and complex skills. If you want to take your training to the next level, this is the class for you.


Location: Humane Society of Jefferson County

Class Length: 5-week series (About 1 hour lessons)

Class Size: 6 dog maximum


What’s the schedule for this class?

Clicks & Tricks is on hold this year. We may offer it in future years, so please check back!

Here are the 2022 start dates:

Class TimeStart DateNotes
None for 2022

Enroll now in Clicks & Tricks (online form). If you have questions, you can call (920) 648-2421 or email us!


What will you and your dog learn in this class?

During Clicks & Tricks, you and your dog will learn clicker training techniques, and then put those techniques into practice by reviewing basic manners such as sit, down, and stand, to master the timing needed to make the most out of a clicker.

Then you and your pup will be introduced to other life skills and some tricks to put your clicker skills to the test.


What kind of dog is this class for?

Clicks & Tricks is for any one with a dog 6 months or older who is up to date on all shots looking to take their dog training to the next level.


Are there any prerequisites for this class?

In order to attend Clicks & Tricks your dog must have completed Puppy Preschool or Family Dog Manners, or received approval from one of the Lake Mills Veterinary Clinic behavioral trainers.


How much does this class cost?

The price of Clicks & Tricks is $150, which includes all lessons, your clicker, written take-home resources, and graduation materials.


Who teaches this class?

Our behavioral trainers, Alli and Danielle currently teach Clicks & Tricks. You can learn more about their certifications, experience, and more on our Meet the Trainers page!


Classes are filling up quickly, so be sure to enroll soon (online form). If you have questions, call (920) 648-2421 or email us!

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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

